Opportunities for Innovation, Results for Dissemination
Seven Hills Foundation and Affiliates has a remarkable history of researching and forming best practices for the various populations we support. As a leader in the health and human services sector, our clinical and programs acumen is second to none. Our staff members are experts in their fields, in constant pursuit of professional development and creative strategies to optimally help those they serve.
In March 2015, Seven Hills formalized its longstanding success in producing academic and scientific-quality methods with the inception of the Seven Hills Research Center. Through the urging of our staff, we now have a formal research and publishing function concerning the work that promotes the results of our clinical and program outcomes throughout our various affiliates. The purpose of the Office is to:
- Combine the expertise of clinical and program staff for scholarly research
- Advance innovation by publishing in peer-reviewed journals
- Expand innovation and expertise at Seven Hills Foundation
- Promote research and scholarship as part of the professional development of our staff
- Prioritize research initiatives that align with the Seven Hills’ mission and strategic goals
- Share best practices and methods with the health and human services sector
The Seven Hills Research Center is led by Sonya W Bouchard, MS, CRC, CBIST, Clinician with Seven Hills NeuroCare, and Dr. Allison Rothschild, Assistant Vice President and Clinical Director of Seven Hills NeuroCare. Dr. James Luiselli is consulting to Seven Hills, bringing our 40+ years of expertise in research methods and publication. This report highlights the impressive research that has been published since the Center’s inception the current projects underway across our affiliates, as well as the presentations made by our esteemed staff members at regional and national conferences. Most noteworthy, is the representation of over 30 staff members at Seven Hills in this research process.
The Seven Hills Research Center is another means of advancing the work we deliver to over 60,000 children and adults every year, consistent with the Core Values of Innovation and Teamwork, throughout Seven Hills Foundation and affiliates—and around the globe.
Recently Published
Congratulations to our Seven Hills Community Services Team: Natalie M. Driscoll, Allison W. Rothschild, James K. Luiselli, Sharon Goldberg, Jillian Crawley, David Fofanah, and Joshua Wangaga, for having their research published, "A Pilot Investigation of Safety Concerns Among Direct Service Providers for Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities."
Read Article Here >
Congratulations to members of our Seven Hills Clinical Team that had this important article published in Advances in Neurodevelopmental Disorders, "Organizational Responsiveness to the COVID‑19 Pandemic: a Mixed Methods Social Validity Assessment of Human Services Care Providers."
Read Article Here >
The Researchers
Allison Rothchild, PsyD, MSW, LICSW, BCBA, LABANatalie Driscoll, Seven Hills NeuroCare
Seven Hills Foundation
James K. Luiselli, EdD, ABPP, BCBA-D, SHRC ConsultantSeven Hills ASPiRE!
Erin MoranSeven Hills Community Services
Jillian Crawley, MS, BCBA, LABA
David Fofanah, RBT
Sharon Goldberg, MHA, CBIS
Joshua Wangangu, RBTSeven Hills Family Services
Jennifer Sargent, MA, BCBA, LABASeven Hills NeuroCare
Sonya Bouchard, MS, CRC, CBIST
Trudy Dould, MA, CRC, CBIS-T
Natalie Driscoll, MEd, BCBA, LABA
Allison Rothchild, PsyD, MSW, LICSW, BCBA, LABA
Jonathan A. Worcester, PhD, NCSP, BCBA-D, LABA, CBISSeven Hills Rhode Island
Laurie Farrell, MA
Tanya Gorriaran-Goodwin, MSPT
Meryl Lawrence, BS
Julie Pallante, MEd
Tamara Sylvestre, MSPTChildren’s Friend
Kim Hager, MSW, LICSW
Maria Martinez Calderon, MA, LMHC
Nevila Weagle, MA, LMHCStetson School
Joseph Allred, JD, MS
Kathleen Buckley, MEd, LMHC
Peter Gow
Sally Gulmi, MEd
Rebecca King, MS, OTR/L
Seven Hills Foundation Institutional Review Board (IRB)
The organization's Institutional Review Board (IRB) is charged by the Seven Hills Foundation’s President with the responsibility of reviewing research proposals for the purpose of protecting the rights of individuals who are subjects of any research, conducted by staff of the Seven Hills Foundation. Federal Regulations place responsibility on the organization and the Principal Investigator to insure that high ethical standards are maintained for all research involving human subjects.
Download Additional Information:
Preliminary IRB Study Assessment Form
Seven Hills Foundation IRB Manual
CSeven Hills Foundation IRB Application
IRB HIPPA Permission Form
For more information, please contact:
Sonya W Bouchard, MS, CRC, CBIST
Clinician, Seven Hills NeuroCare
508.397.6286 or email sbouchard@sevenhills.org