508.755.2340 TTY: 508.890.5584
Seven Hills Foundation

Take Action!

The Caring Force

Here at Seven Hills, we strongly encourage everyone to be advocates on behalf of the people we support as well as our hardworking, dedicated employees. Very simply, advocacy is about educating and influencing those who make policy and budget decisions. That is why we remain in regular contact with legislators at both the state and federal levels and with the state administrations of Rhode Island, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts. 

Everyone associated with Seven Hills Foundation in Massachusetts is encouraged to join The Caring Force (The Caring Force | Providers' Council). The mission of The Caring Force is to empower those who care about the human services sector to advance an agenda that creates an environment in Massachusetts that protects our most vulnerable neighbors and creates a stronger economy with the pay, recognition, and respect our workers deserve. To be successful, the Caring Force needs individuals, parents, guardians, directors, trustees, employees—everyone to join and get involved. Together, we can help make our goal a reality. Help by advocating for the Providers’ Council’s 2025-2026 Legislative Agenda, which includes the following bills:

  • An act establishing a loan repayment program for direct care human service worker
  • An act relative to a livable wage for human services workers

To find the complete 2025-2026 Legislative Agenda click the Legislative Agenda | Providers' Council link. We have quite a bit to accomplish this session, but with all of your help I’m sure we can make a difference!

In Rhode Island, we would encourage everyone to visit the Community Providers Network of Rhode Island (CPNRI) for information on governmental initiatives and other resources: Community Provider Network of RI.


Advocacy Resources:

The Caring Force

ADDP - Association of Developmental Disabilities Providers

Providers' Council

PPAL - Parent/Professional Advocacy League

Massachusetts Association of 766 Approved Private Schools (maaps)

Brain Injury Association of Massachusetts – Brain injury association of Massachusetts

Representing Community Providers - Association for Behavioral Healthcare (ABH)

Home | ANCOR

Community Provider Network of RI

ABLE NH – Disability Justice Advocates

For more information on Advocacy, contact:

William Stock
Vice President for Government and Community Relations