Economic stability leads to better health outcomes for individuals and families, and the best predictor of such stability is a college degree. Given that, we have a long history of providing successful college access and success programs for promising low-income, first-generation students with a desire to attend college. Over decades, graduates of our college success programs have earned a college degree at 80% combined (over 6 years) – nearly four times the national average for the same demographic of students.
Our two programs in Worcester include the Bruce Wells Scholars Upward Bound, a federally funded TRIO program in partnership with Clark University and the Worcester Public Schools, and the Dynamy John S. Laws Youth Academy, a privately funded college success and leadership program.
For more information about the Bruce Wells Scholars Upward Bound program including eligibility, locations and contact information, please click here.
For more information about the Dynamy John S. Laws Youth Academy including eligibility, locations and contact information, please click here.
Support Dynamy and Upward Bound Scholars' College Tour Trip
Donate to their once in a lifetime opportunity!
Our Dynamy John S. Laws Youth Academy and The Bruce Wells Scholars Upward Bound students are raising funds for their upcoming Extended College Tour (ECT) and need your support! This year, our ECT will take place in Philadelphia where scholars will explore colleges, cultural experiences, and see first-hand what college life is like.
Each scholar must raise $600 to participate in this trip. We ask for your generous donation and consideration in supporting our scholars in this once in a lifetime opportunity.