YOU, Inc., an affiliate of Seven Hills Foundation, is the Community Service Agency (CSA) for the South Central/Blackstone Valley Are of Massachusetts. The YOU Inc. CSA provides Intensive Care Coordination (ICC) and Family Support & Training for families.
Intensive Care Coordination (ICC) provides high quality Wraparound Care Planning which assists families and children locate, access, coordinate and monitor mental health, educational, social supports and other services. Intensive Care Coordinators work closely with the youth and family to ensure they have the services and supports that are most appropriate for their child.
Family Support & Training is provided by Family Partners who have experience as caregivers/parents of youth with special needs. The Family Partner works closely with the Intensive Care Coordinator to support parents/caregivers of the youth by helping them navigate the complex child-serving systems, increase their support systems, coach and empower them to have a voice in their child’s care. They provide a unique and valuable level of support to parents/caregivers having “been there” and understand what families go through.
Population Served
- children under age 19 or under age 21 with MassHealth with serious emotional disturbance
- the parents, caregivers and siblings of these youth, via wraparound care coordination
Overview of Services
Intensive Care Coordination is a service that supports families with children under the age of 21 with serious emotional disturbances. In Wraparound Care Planning, families and youth work collaboratively with providers, discuss their strengths and needs, and actively guide their own care. Care Coordinators work to bring together the main adults in a child’s life, so that they can cohesively support the child and his or her family. Families choose the members of their own team, including professionals (therapists, social workers, teachers, pediatricians) and personal supports (friends or relatives).
Wraparound is a process used to create, implement, and monitor an individual plan designed specifically to address the needs of each child. Wraparound builds on the strengths of the child, family, team and community, and puts the family at the center of the planning process. The Wraparound Care Planning team also assists families to navigate and connect with multiple services and supports, and coordinates referrals for all community supports that augment therapy.
Referral Information
Intensive Care Coordination is funded by MassHealth (Medicaid) and Massachusetts commercial insurers. These services are available to youth who have a serious emotional disturbance (SED) and have this coverage as part of their insurance plan. For more information on eligibility, please contact our Central Referral department.
Central Referral
Jessica Pittsley, LICSW
Phone: 508.902.0080