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Seven Hills Foundation

Learn How to Become a Mediator in Massachusetts

What is Basic Mediation Training?

Family Services of Central Massachusetts (FSCM) Mediation Training covers the mediation process from the initial greeting of parties to drafting a mediated agreement.

We encourage people to attend from all walks of life, for any reason! The training includes administration of the Gregorc Style Delineator, lectures, role plays, fish-bowl activities, and “On Your Own” course work to enhance your training experience. We conclude with a certificate acknowledging course completion.

Our training follows a facilitative model.

FSCM’s training complies with the Massachusetts Confidentiality Statute MGL Chapter 233 sec. 23C and the MA Supreme Judicial Court’s Uniform Rules on Dispute Resolution Rule 8(c)(i) which together define and outline the expectations and requirements necessary to become a Mediator in the Commonwealth.

Who Should Attend Basic Mediation Training?

  • People, from all walks of life, seek mediation training for a variety of personal or professional reasons:
  • Students – considering mediation as a career
  • Mental Health Professionals – looking to broaden their skills
  • Lawyers – seeking to add services to their practice and/or make a career shift
  • Retired Individuals – looking for a way to give back to their community

Some are interested in Mediation Training simply to add mediation skills to their toolbox and figure out how they might want to apply them down the road. Whatever the reason, all are welcome here!

Upcoming Mediation Training

Our Next Scheduled training will be April 2025

A 36-hour Hybrid Basic Mediation Training will be held the beginning of April 2025.

Become a Mediator

Download Informational Flyer here>

Two Scholarship Slots are Available for April 2025 Training

Family Services of Central Massachusetts' Mediation Program believes we should be a reflection of our whole community. In that spirit, we offer a Scholarship enabling us to assist individuals who may not otherwise have the opportunity to train as a mediator. In exchange for the scholarship, we require a mandatory one-year commitment to volunteer with our program volunteering 1x a month.

Click Apply for 2025 to fill out the application to apply for the next training, then return your completed form to mediation@sevenhills.org

After You Complete Basic Mediation Training

We offer a FREE practicum for those who wish to pursue mediation here at FSCM. The practicum begins with observing Small Claims cases. New Mediators then move on to Co-mediating with this assistance of a Court Coordinator until such time as the Coordinator feels pairing with other Volunteer Mediators is appropriate. We require a minimum one year, once a month commitment for all new Volunteers who elect to pursue the practicum.

Continuing Education

FSCM provides monthly 2-hour trainings the 3rd Wednesday of every month 4pm – 6pm to assist Mediators in obtaining the requisite 6-hour minimum Continuing Education credits.

Additional advanced trainings are available to Mediators who have completed Basic Mediation Training.

How We Are Different

We have expanded the Basic Mediation Training curriculum to truly dissect each part and help students get a better grasp of mediation skills from the beginning. We are going to make you work and practice and work some more. We have made sure to inject some fun to keep it engaging!

Comments from Our Basic Mediation Training Class

What aspect of the training was most valuable and why?

—“Sabrina herself. Her knowledge and enthusiasm. The written scripts, practiced out loud, were great; the role plays were surprisingly helpful; t he impact of the mediation technique was real.”

—“Great content and important skill set to have. Learned a lot with roll playing. Sabrina was so willing to help and ensure we were comfortable and had all our questions and concerns addressed.”

—“All of the training exercises were helpful. I especially liked how they all built up to the end where we all got to practice a mediation from beginning to end, instead of just starting out with one.”

—“The training manual along with the sequence of lectures and role play was very valuable. All the tools of self-examination and self-learning (Gregorc & Myers Briggs) etc. – very enhancing.”

Proud Members

Proud Members of the National Association for Community Mediation. Working in cooperation with the Office of the Attorney General, the Massachusetts Office of Public Collaboration, and the Massachusetts Trial Court.
