Get involved. Join Senior Companions today!
Meet new people and make new friends. Stay active and involved. Enjoy that good feeling of giving to your community.
Senior Companions are volunteers 55 and over who provide assistance and friendship to seniors who have difficulty with daily living tasks. Volunteers help to keep seniors independent longer and provide assistance to family caregivers.
When you volunteer, you’re not just helping others—you’re helping yourself. Volunteering leads to new discoveries and new friends. Plus, studies show that volunteering helps you live longer and promotes a positive outlook on life.
Client Services
- The service Senior Companions provide is free of charge to their clients.
- Clients served may be homebound adults with physical, cognitive, mental or emotional impairments, Veterans, patients recently discharged from hospitals or rehab facilities, people living with Alzheimer’s Disease or dementia, and respite services.
- Senior Companion Volunteers provide companionship, socialization, and encouragement, social and emotional support, and recreational activities such as playing games or encouraging hobbies, light meal preparation, reading, taking walks, visiting friends, and transporting and escorting clients to/from medical appointments.
- The volunteers provide two to three hours a week, working one-on-one on a regular basis, building relationships and lessening isolation.
- We currently work with 12 agencies throughout Worcester County that assign Senior Companions to their clientele.
Benefits of Volunteering
- If income eligible, Senior Companion Volunteers may receive a non-taxable hourly stipend. This stipend does not affect any other services you may receive such as housing, fuel assistance, SNAP benefits and/or social security.
- Stipend eligible volunteers receive paid personal, vacation and sick time, along with 10 paid holidays per year.
- Meal and transportation reimbursement.
- Specialized training focused on topics of importance for the elders that they visit and for themselves.
- The opportunity to get out and contribute to the community.
- Meet new people and make new friends.
- Yearly recognition events.
- Stay active and involved: Studies show that being a volunteer improves people’s health and longevity.
- Build Self-Confidence.
- Good feeling of contributing to your community and showing you care.
About Senior Companions
Volunteers Help Make Independence a Reality
Senior Companions are volunteers 55 years of age and older who devote 5 – 40 hours per week providing companionship and assistance to frail, often isolated, elders in the community.
Senior Companions also provide assistance and companionship for individuals in Adult Day Health Centers, and Rehabilitation Facilities. The Senior Companion Volunteers can assist with providing respite services for family caregivers who may need a break from their caregiving responsibilities.
The Program provides our senior volunteers with a meaningful volunteer experience and other benefits which include reimbursement for travel and meal expenses, an income eligible tax-free stipend, annual recognition, ongoing training, and networking opportunities.
“It is so nice to have someone visit me and see how I’m doing. I feel safer knowing someone is looking out for me.”
Shirley's Senior Companion
Linda is a FSCM Senior Companion who visits "Shirley" (not real name) in her home. Shirley’s husband contacted the Senior Companion Program (SCP) to find assistance with the care of his wife as he was the sole caregiver and still working. Due to a diagnosis of dementia, Shirley was no longer able to stay home alone. Linda and Shirley bonded very quickly and it was apparent the need for assistance.
On Wednesday nights, Shirley and her husband still enjoy going out to eat at their favorite restaurant. On her Wednesday visit Linda will style Shirley’s hair, paint her nails, and together they pick out a nice outfit for their dinner date. Linda said Shirley is always waiting for her to come on her days. Shirley’s husband plays the piano sometimes when he is home he will play and Shirley likes to sing along, and sometimes Linda does as well. These are special moments Linda said as she sees how much Shirley enjoys singing while her husband plays the piano.
Linda has noticed since she’s been visiting the home, Shirley’s husband has become more hurried and frazzled when dealing with his properties and businesses. Linda is in contact with one of their sons who was aware of his dad’s behavior and collaborated with the other siblings to help. The family appreciated Linda’s insights and concerns and said it’s nice to know someone is there for his mom and dad.
Linda has been an Senior Companion Program (SCP) volunteer for nearly eight years, and enjoys her role almost as much as the families she supports enjoy and are grateful for her service.
Senior Companion Program
128 Providence St. Suite 310, Worcester, MA 01604
Joy Rehfeld
Director, Senior Companion ProgramPhone: 508.796.1805

The Worcester Area Senior Companion Program is part of the National Senior Service Corps administered and funded federally through the Corporation for National and Community Service.
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