Southbridge Family Resource Center & Southbridge Community Connections
Southbridge Family Resource Center
Our Southbridge Family Resource Center, conveniently located on a major bus route on Main Street in downtown Southbridge, is part of a statewide network of community-based providers offering multi-cultural parenting programs, support groups, information and referral resources and education for families whose children range in age from birth to 18 years of age. Family Resource Centers are located in 24 communities throughout Massachusetts to provide easy access to information and assistance related to health care, safety, employment training, education and peer support. In each of these communities and centers, the goal is to support families to strengthen their bonds, connect to others, and engage in their community.
The Southbridge Family Resource Center offers evidence-based parent education groups, information and referral, case management, and other opportunities for children and families in need, We also offer services specific to children who are recognized by the courts as “Children Requiring Assistance”, or those considered to be at risk of this designation, as a result of serious problems at home and at school. The Center offers:
- Referral information and linkages to services
- Assessment and family support planning
- Assessment and support services for families with CRA issues
- Evidence-based parent educational groups
- Parent-child activities
- Center and community-based activities, educational classes and workshops
Southbridge Community Connections
YOU, Inc. also serves as the fiscal agent for the Southbridge Community Connections, co-located at the Southbridge Family Resource Center. Community Connections mobilizes and aligns effective, collective responses to the identified needs of families, with the goal of preventing child abuse and neglect. Four core coalition functions comprise the work of CCCs:
- Family Support Services
- Family Preservation Services
- Time Limited Reunification Services
- Adoption Promotion and Support Services
The Southbridge Community Connection provides a safe and neutral setting for residents and service providers, including DCF, to communicate, make decisions, share resources, and coordinate action planning.
Southbridge Family Resource Center
5 Optical Dr, Southbridge, MA 01550
Emily Billings
Site DirectorPhone: 508.519.3590
Southbridge Community Connections
5 Optical Dr, Southbridge, MA 01550
Phone: 508.519.3590

Family Resource Centers are supported through funding from the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families.