Creating a Plan and Ensuring Success after High School
Seven Hills works with families and their adolescents with disabilities to ease the journey from special education to the adult service system by offering specialized transition supports in both Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Seven Hills is the place for families to connect to the resources they need to best support their loved one with a disability. In Massachusetts, Seven Hills is home to four Family Support Centers, serving the areas of Athol, Lowell, Sturbridge and Fitchburg. In Rhode Island, Seven Hills Family Support Coordinators provide supports and services throughout the state.

Our team of Family Support Specialists and Coordinators work to provide a natural connection between individuals, their families and the community. By providing a variety of options, Seven Hills individualizes supports to the needs of each family and their loved one. Through Seven Hills’ Information and Referral, Family Trainings and Parent Networking, we connect families, and provide support while navigating the community and social services systems.
Specialized Education Programs are available through Seven Hills, working with School Districts to provide options to families. The programs are skill-based, working on comprehensive transition goals that are individualized to each student. Areas of education include organization, functional life skills, vocational assessment and interest exploration, community navigation, and social/communication skills. An array of vocational training modules are available to expose students to different job options and skill development.
In Rhode Island, Seven Hills runs Summer VIP (Vocational Independence Program), a vocational transition program that exposes youth to a variety of paid jobs in the community while building the skills necessary for workplace success. The program also includes 20 hours of classroom training including financial literacy, exposure to secondary education, resume creating, interviewing skills, health, safety and rights on the job.
At Seven Hills, our transition team ensures that the voices of students and their families are heard and valued as we work to prepare them for their future success.
Transition Services - Massachusetts
Timothy Johnson
AVP, Seven Hills ASPiRE!Phone: 508.796.1512
Family Support Center - North Central Massachusetts
Malissa Wilson
Family Support SpecialistPhone: 978.602.8695
Family Support Center - South Valley Massachusetts
Cheri Brown
Family Support Specialist