508.755.2340 TTY: 508.890.5584
Seven Hills Foundation

The Young Parent Living Program is a therapeutic, trauma-informed living environment designed to provide homeless young parents between the ages of 16 and 22 with a safe and supportive, although temporary, home to live in while they learn to care for themselves and their children. On-site residential counselors, shift supervisors, case manager, as well as program administration, provide supervision, training, support, and assistance 24/7. Staff at the Young Parent Living Program work with the residents to create comprehensive, strength-based treatment plans that reflect the residents’ current level of functioning and their service needs. Each resident, aided by program staff, strives to develop and prioritize vocational, educational, and personal objectives to accomplish the goals identified in the treatment plan.

The goal of the program is to assist each resident in securing permanent housing for themselves and their children. The program will help them develop and strengthen their parenting skills, interpersonal awareness, independent living skills, and self-confidence needed for them to succeed on their own in the community. In addition, the program provides resources and a knowledge base that includes an understanding of which agencies can provide ongoing support and the means to contact them.

How to Apply for Young Parent Living Program

Referrals must be submitted through your DTA or DCF Case Manager. If you do not currently have services with either agency, please contact our Program Director, Sarah Kimball, MAPP at (508) 863-7618 or skimball@sevenhills.org for additional resources.