508.755.2340 TTY: 508.890.5584
Seven Hills Foundation

Grants & Awards

Serving our Seven Hills Community

Seven Hills Behavior Health Food Pantry

Our food pantries are often a touchpoint for individuals and families who could benefit from Seven Hills Behavioral Health Services. While picking up nonperishable food items, staff can open the door to conversations and help address some of the...

Gearing up for Next Summer’s Young Readers

Summer Learning Literacy program

For 135 years, Family Services of Central Massachusetts (FSCM) has served the greater Worcester community as a valuable resource, providing high-quality support, guidance, and services. FSCM offers diverse programs and services, including home care,...

Empowering Abilities: Seven Hills ASPiRE! and Community Partners


Mass Cultural Council

Economic Stability Leads to Better Health Outcomes

John D. Laws Dynamy Youth Academy

For individuals and families, economic stability leads to better health outcomes and the best predictor of such stability is a college degree. YOU, Inc., an affiliate of Seven Hills Foundation, has a long history of providing successful college...

Open Door Arts Thanks Community Partners

open door arts

Open Door Arts, an affiliate of Seven Hills Foundation, is generously funded by community partners, supporting its mission to increase access, participation, and representation of people with disabilities in the arts. The work of Open Door Arts is...

Enhancing Safety with Life-Saving Support for Our Homes


Seven Hills RhodeIsland is grateful for the generous grant of $20,000 from The Rhode Island Foundation to provide defibrillators in our group residential homes. Funding allows us to purchase an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) for 12 homes....

Giving Back to our Seven Hills Community


Seven Hills Behavioral Health recently received generous support for our food pantries fromBayCoast Bank. The $1,000 grant demonstrates BayCoast Bank’s ongoing commitment to helping us serve vulnerable members of our community. Together, we provided...

Open Door Arts (ODA) Strengthens Our Shared Cultural Community

Open Door Arts

At Open Door Arts (ODA), a Seven Hills Foundation affiliate, we believe our shared cultural community is strengthened when it represents, includes, and engages all people. That’s why we work annually with hundreds of students, teaching artists,...

A community of support for Dynamy Youth Academy

Dynamy John S. Laws Youth Academy grant funders

YOU, Inc., an affiliate of Seven Hills Foundation, is grateful for the generous funding from our community partners in support of the Dynamy John S. Laws Youth Academy program. Youth Academy provides essential services for promising,...

Innovative Recreation Programs for People with Brain Injury

Creative minds logo surrounded by participants of the program

Creative Minds is a collaborative program developed by Seven Hills Family Services (SHFS) and Open Door Arts (ODA), both affiliates of the Seven Hills Foundation, in response to the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission’s call for recreational...

Enhancing Child and Family Services Outcomes Through Basic Needs

Navigant Credit Union logo

Seven Hills Rhode Island (SHRI) provides quality care and services to children of varying abilities and life challenges who live in Rhode Island through various models that fall under its Child & Family Services division. Our full array of...

Celebrating Creativity

People performing their play they had been preparing for

The Integrated Arts Program (IAP) offers enriching arts opportunities for creation through diverse, inclusive programming for students interested in the performing, visual, production, and media arts. Students in the IAP take a combination of Arts...

Workforce Readiness and Employment

People together preparing to enter the workforce

Seven Hills ASPiRE! is grateful for a generous grant of $10,000 from theTD Charitable Foundationto support the Workforce Readiness and Employment Program.The foundation’s investment in ASPiRE! will provide individuals with disabilities with paid...

Shining Stars on Stage

Participants after performing their play

The Integrated Arts Program has partnered with Rhode Island’s Trinity Rep Theatre’s Active Imagination Network program (TRAIN) to implement a robust and successful performing arts program for children and adults with intellectual and developmental...

Pathways to Employment

ASPiRE! participants working at the cafe

Seven Hills Foundation would like to thank the Berkshire Bank Foundation for their recent grant of $5,000 to support our ASPiRE! Workforce Development and Employment Readiness program. This innovative model provides comprehensive vocational...

Building Bright Futures

Students in the Dynamy program on a college tour

YOU, Inc. is grateful for generous grants totaling $13,424 from the United Way’s After School and Out-of-School Time (ASOST) initiative, for our John S. Laws Dynamy Youth Academy college access program. These funds support many of the essential...

Funding the Future

A tradition of excellence continues with the 2024 graduating class of YOU, Inc.’s John S. Laws Dynamy Youth Academy. Every student has been accepted to and will matriculate to college in the fall, each with multiple scholarships and awards in...

Overcoming Post Pandemic Challenges

Young students wearing face masks and social distancing during the pandemic

Children’s Friend, an affiliate of Seven Hills Foundation, is leading the Behavioral Intervention Program at the Early Learning Center (ELC) in partnership with the Family Services of Central MA, Center for Childcare Careers, and Seven Hills...

Enhancing the Quality of Care

Nurse assisting a participant of the Day Habilitation program

Within the comprehensive Health and Wellness component, nursing staff in theASPiRE! Day Habilitation program monitor participants’ weight, blood pressure, mobility, cognitive function, and behavioral health on a weekly basis. In some cases,...

Providing Therapy for Youth

Youth in therapy session

Children’s Friend and the Seven Hills Behavioral Health system of care is proud to partner with the United Way of Central Massachusetts Community Impact grant program to offer the Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) program to youth living in...

Transforming Lives with the Zero Fare Coalition

Worcester Community Connections Coalition (WCCC) of YOU, Inc. is a parent and provider coalition that works to address gaps in local resources and strengthen at-risk families. In 2019, the WCCC helped to formally convene the Worcester Zero Fare...

Empowering People Through Inclusive Arts Programs

Student showing off their artwork

The Linde Family Foundation has awarded Open Door Arts (ODA), an affiliate of Seven Hills, a two-year grant general operating award.This incredibly generous grant will significantly impact the work of ODA, providing high-quality, inclusive, and...

Stimulating Creativity and Increasing Community Integration

Painting with bright colors

Creative Minds, a collaboration of Seven Hills Family Services and Open Door Arts, synthesizes elements of both affiliates to stimulate creativity, increase community integration, and deliver the myriad of other benefits that individuals with brain...

Project Flourish Child Development Apprenticeship Program


TheProject Flourish Child Development Apprenticeship Programtrains early childhood workersrecently hired in group childcare programs that serve low-income families through theiracceptance of state childcare vouchers. Offered as a bilingual program,...

Connecting and Creating Through the Arts


TheConnecting and Creating through the Artsprogram provides weekly opportunities for Worcester County adults with disabilities to participate in arts programs through a partnership between Open Door Arts, the Worcester Art Museum, and Seven Hills...

Dive into Summer Reading


The Summer Literacy Initiative (SLI) has partnered with summer camp programs operating throughoutWorcester to integrate effective literacy learning strategies that prevent summer learning loss forchildren entering grades 1-4 each fall. Launched in...

Cultivating Strength in Every Space


The Gender Wellness Initiative (GWI) of Children’s Friend seeks to create empowered spaces for LGBTQIA+ youth, their families, and allies to thrive. We strive to be the primary source for mental health, staff training, and outreach for transgender,...

Enhancing Early Intervention Outcomes Through Technology


The Early Intervention program at Seven Hills Rhode Island (SHRI) provides home and community-basedsupport services to over 800 families each year with infants and toddlers who are experiencing, or at riskof, developmental delays. In 2021, Navigant...

The Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services Supports Seven Hills

Mass DDS

Seven Hills Foundation is proud to announce that it has been awarded a contract by the Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services (DDS) to implement a Home Based Residential Supports Pilot Program in Central West Massachusetts. This new and...

Empowering Creativity and Building Community Through Art


Each year, Open Door Arts makes schools, galleries and theaters across Massachusetts morevibrant and inclusive through groundbreaking statewide programs that engage more than 3,000members of our community. Students with disabilities experience...

Paving the Way to Achievement and Success

The Dynamy John S. Laws Youth Academy creates a path to success for promising, first-generation high school students with strong academic potential and college aspirations. The Youth Academy combines a robust slate of academic services with...

Cultivating Relationships

Just Us Girls

Children and adolescents with disabilities are two to three times more likely to be bullied than theirnon-disabled peers. Isolation and loneliness compound their vulnerability.Just Us Girlsat Seven Hillsis a unique skills development program for...

Strengthening Mediation Services for the People of Worcester County

FSCM: Mediation

Since 2009, our Mediation Program has provided high-quality, free, or sliding fee-scaledmediation services to clients across Worcester County. We currently serve the Worcester, Milford,Westborough, Dudley, and Uxbridge Small Claims District Courts....

City of Worcester Supports YOU, Inc.

City of Worcester

YOU, Inc. was awarded $108,031 to implement a comprehensiveBi-Lingual System Navigators project which will improve access to critical mental health services within our large Latinx, immigrant and low-income communities. This funding will position...

Addressing Barriers and Increasing Accessibility


YOU, Inc., an affiliate of Seven Hills Foundation, is grateful to LLC-Healthcare Enterprises, Reliant Medical Group, Shields Health Care Group, and UMass Memorial Medical Center for the recent Determination of Need (DoN) grant award of $65,000....

Encouraging Success

College Access Program

YOU, Inc. is grateful for a generous grant of $17,000 from the United Way’s After School and Out-of-School Time (ASOST) initiative, for our Dynamy Youth Academy college access program. This grant funded vital components of the program’s end of year...

Guidance Through Grief

Guidance through grief

Children who have lost a parent, primary caregiver, or sibling can feel isolated and alone in their grief, and unresolved grief in childhood increases a child’s risk of anxiety, depression, physical illness, and substance abuse as they grow.The...

Nellie Mae Education Foundation Supports Summer Literacy Initiative

Summer Reading Initiative

Family Services is grateful to the Nellie Mae Education Foundation for their $12,472 grant to support the Summer Literacy Initiative's Southbridge Expansion Project. Summer learning loss is the 2-month, or more, loss in reading level from when...

Nourishing Our Community Together

Food Pantry

The Seven Hills Behavioral Health Food Pantries in Fall River, New Bedford, and Taunton serve children and families, individuals, and elderly who are experiencing food insecurity; including many who are without stable housing; residents with limited...

United Way Supports the Summer Literacy Initiative

Summer Literacy Initiative

Family Services of Central Massachusetts would like to express our immense gratitude to the United Way of South Central MA for the recent grant of $20,000 for the Summer Literacy Initiative (SLI). The SLI in Southern Worcester County will include...

October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month

YOU, Inc. Supports Young Parents

YOU, Inc Young Parent Support

YOU, Inc. has been selected by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health’s Office of Sexual Health and Youth Development to provide vital services to expectant and parenting youth ages 14-24 and their families. The Massachusetts Pregnant and...

The Arts are alive at Seven Hills Rhode Island

RI Trinity Rep

The Integrated Performing and Visual Arts Program teaches performing and visual arts with wonderfully skilled artists from Trinity Repertory Company who are highly experienced in working with people with disabilities. Participants learn verbal and...

Bank of America Charitable Foundation supports Workforce Readiness

BOA Charitable Foundation

Michael H. had been employed part-time in the commercial kitchen at Seven Hills Foundation at Hope Ave. prior to the pandemic. After resuming day programming with his return to onsite services, Michael was not immediately able to return to his prior...

YOU, Inc joins Worcester Public Schools to provide mental health services

Worcester Public Schools

YOU, Inc. was recently awarded a three-year contract to provide mental health services to students enrolled in Pre-Kindergarten through grade 12 across the Worcester Public Schools district. With more than five decades of experience in delivering...

Open Door Arts graciously receives 100k from the Genesis Inspiration Foundation

Genesis Inspiration Foundation

Open Door Arts (ODA), an affiliate of Seven Hills Foundation, is grateful to the Genesis Inspiration Foundation for a $100,000 donation to support our School Programs that provides inclusive arts education to over 800 students, grades Pre K-12, in 8...

YOU, Inc Receives Support for Dialectical Behavior Therapy

YOU, Inc. would like to thank the Hoche-Scofield Foundation, Bank of America, N.A., Co-Trustee for their recent generous grant of $6,000 for Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). DBT is an evidence-based treatment for adolescents, and even for...

Thank You, Greater Lowell Community Foundation

Greater Lowell Community Foundation Logo

Taking a multi-sensory approach and utilizing specialized equipment and game adaptations, the Partnered Sports and Game program (PSG) improves the quality of life for the residents at the Seven Hills Pediatric Center by allowing them to experience...

Dynamy's Youth Academy Receives $10k from The Fletcher Foundation and Stoddard Charitable Trust

The Fletcher Foundation and the Stoddard Charitable Trust generous grants of $10,000 each, will fund year-round academic and leadership programming at the John S. Laws Dynamy Youth Academy. This five year, after-school leadership and college access...

FSCM thanks the District 1199c Training and Upgrading Fund

District 1199c Training & Upgrading Fund Logo

Family Services of Central Massachusetts (FSCM), an affiliate of Seven Hills Foundation, would like to thank the District 1199c Training and Upgrading Fund for the recent grant of $10,000 for The Project Flourish Child Development Apprenticeship...

Thank You, Amelia Peabody Foundation!

Amelia Peabody Foundation

Family Services of Central Massachusetts, an affiliate of Seven Hills Foundation, would like to “SHOUT OUT” the continued support of the Amelia Peabody Foundation with their recent $45,000 grant for the Summer Literacy Initiative (SLI). SLI strives...

Berkshire Bank Foundation Supports ASPiRE!

Seven Hills Foundation would like to thank the Berkshire Bank Foundation for their recent grant of $10,000 to support our programs, including our ASPiRE! Workforce Development and Employment Readiness program. The Workforce Readiness & Employment...

Worcester Arts Council Supports Creative Movement Program with Grant

The Worcester Arts Council (WAC) continues to support the cultural vitality of Worcester’s artistic community with their recent generous grant of $4,915 for Seven Hills ASPiRE’s Creative Movement program. Creative Movements is a collaboration with...

Wellington Management Foundation supports the growth of Boston area youth

Wellington Management Foundation grant to ODA

The Wellington Management Foundation has kindheartedly granted $60,000 to support Seven Hills Foundation affiliate, Open Door Arts' COOL (Creative Outlook on Learning) Schools program. Wellington Management Foundation’s impactful support will allow...

Liberty Mutual Foundation generously supports students through COOL Schools

Liberty Mutual Foundation supports Open Door Arts

The Liberty Mutual Foundation has granted Open Door Arts (ODA), an affiliate of Seven Hills Foundation, an extraordinarily generous grant of $90,000 for their COOL Schools (Creative Outlook on Learning) program. Through their inspirational action,...

TJX Foundation supports the John S. Laws Dynamy Youth Academy

TJX Foundation to support the John S. Laws Dynamy Youth Academy

YOU, Inc. is grateful for a recent grant of $7,500 from the TJX Foundation to support the John S. Laws Dynamy Youth Academy. This program provides a vital range of services, including comprehensive academic supports, community service opportunities,...

Thank You, Haley Cremer Foundation

Grief Support Center

Seven Hills Foundation is grateful to the Haley Cremer Foundation for their ongoing commitment to the children served at the Carriage House Grief Support Center in Worcester. We are grateful to Marc and Ivie Cremer for visiting The Carriage House to...

The Carriage House Grief Support Program Awarded $12,500 Grant From DCU for Kids!

Graphic containing the text thank you and the DCU for Kids logo

We would like to express our gratitude to DCU For Kids for their continued support of the Carriage House Grief Support Center with their recent grant of $12,500. The Carriage House, a program of YOU, Inc. is a place for children and teens who have...

Thank You, Diocese of Worcester & St. Vincent's Community Healthcare Fund

Blurred image of mother and young son, overlayed with the text Carriage House Grief Support Center

YOU, Inc. would like to thank the Diocese of Worcester and the St. Vincent Community Healthcare Fund for their recent generous grant of $1,500 to support the Carriage House Grief Support Center. Youth who are grieving feel “different” and isolated...

Hanover Insurance Group Foundation Funds Bilingual Capacity Expansion

Seven Hills Behavioral Health

YOU, Inc., an affiliate of Seven Hills Foundation, is grateful for a generous grant in the amount of $25,000 from the Hanover Insurance Group Foundation to support Bilingual Capacity Expansion at the Behavioral Health Center in Worcester. These...

Open Door Arts Thanks Unibank!

Open Door Arts extends a sincere “Thank you!” to Unibank for their continued support of the Connecting and Creating Through the Arts project. Connecting and Creating Through the Arts is a joint venture between Open Door Arts, the Worcester Arts...

You, Inc. Awarded Activation Fund Grant from Health Foundation of Central MA

The Health Foundation of Central MA

YOU, Inc., an affiliate of Seven Hills Foundation, was the recent recipient of a generous Activation Fund grant in the amount of $56,795 from the Health Foundation of Central MA. In the communities we mutually serve, cultural and linguistic...

Greater Worcester Community Foundation Supports Open Door Arts

Open Door Arts, an affiliate of Seven Hills Foundation, is honored to receive generous support from the Greater Worcester Community Foundation for the Connecting and Creating Through the Arts project. This project, a collaboration of Open Door Arts,...

Thank You, Greater Worcester Community Foundation!

We would like to offer a most sincere thank you to the Greater Worcester Community Foundation for continuing their extraordinary support of the Summer Literacy Initiative (SLI) with their most recent grant of $25,000. The Summer Literacy Initiative,...

YOU, Inc. Receives $15,000 Grant for Gender Wellness Initiative

Greater Worcester Community Foundation

YOU, Inc would like to thank the Greater Worcester Community Foundation for their grant of $15,000 in support of the Gender Wellness Initiative (GWI). The Gender Wellness Initiative is dedicated to creating programming to support LGBTQIA+ youth and...

United Way of Central MA Supports the Summer Literacy Initiative

United Way of Central MA

Family Services of Central Massachusetts would like to thank the United Way of Central Massachusetts for their continued support of the Summer Literacy Initiative (SLI) with their most recent grant of $40,000. Since 2010, the Summer Literacy...

Community Foundation of North Central MA Supports Seven Hills ASPiRE!

The Community Foundation of North Central Massachusetts

The collaboration between Growing Places and Seven Hills ASPiRE!, made possible in part by a grant from the Community Foundation of North Central Massachusetts, will provide a strengthened regional food supply system that distributes locally grown...

Thank You, The Schwartz Charitable Foundation!

Schwartz Charitable Foundation

You, Inc. would like to extend a most sincere thank you to The Schwartz Charitable Foundation for their recent grant of $1,500 in support of The Carriage House. The Carriage House provides peer support groups for grieving children and teens,...

Rhode Island Foundation Funds Assistive Technology for SHRI

Rhode Island Foundation

Seven Hills Rhode Island would like to thank the Rhode Island Foundation, the state’s community foundation, for their generous $32,000 grant from their Special Medical Fund. This generous funding will supply assistive technology for adults with...

Thank You, Lloyd G. Balfour Foundation!

John S. Laws Dynamy Youth Academy

YOU, Inc. is grateful for a recent $25,000 grant from the Lloyd G. Balfour Foundation, Bank of America, N.A., Trustee to fund our John S. Laws Dynamy Youth Academy. Youth Academy is a five year, after-school leadership and college access program for...

Thank You, United Way of Central Massachusetts

Dynamy John S. Laws Youth Academy

YOU, Inc. is grateful for the strategic, long-time support of the United Way of Central MA for our Dynamy John S. Laws Youth Academy program. Most recently, we were the grateful beneficiary of two generous grants, which will position us to provide...

Rhode Island Foundation Funds Basic Human Needs for SHRI

Rhode Island Foundation

Seven Hills Rhode Island would like to offer a most sincere thanks to the Rhode Island Foundation, the state’s community foundation, for the recent $7,500 Basic Human Needs grant. Seven Hills Rhode Island provides a comprehensive array of supports...

Thank You, Massachusetts Office of the Attorney General

Mediation image

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Office of the Attorney General has awarded Family Services of Central Massachusetts $44,000 for the face-to-face mediation program. With 32 volunteer mediators, the mediation program provides high-quality, free, or...

Creative Minds Receives Grant from MA Rehabilitation Commission

Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission logo

The Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission has granted $30,565 to support the Creative Minds program, a collaboration of Seven Hills Family Services, Open Door Arts, and the Worcester Art Museum. Creative Minds programming supports people with...

Thank You, Amelia Peabody Foundation!

Amelia Peabody Foundation

Family Services of Central Massachusetts is extremely grateful to the Amelia Peabody Foundation for their recent grant of $45,000 to support the Summer Literacy Initiative (SLI). Since 2010, SLI has prevented thousands of low-income children from...

Children's Friend Receives $15k Grant from the Mable A. Horne Fund

Children's Friend

Children’s Friend would like to thank the The Mabel A. Horne Fund, Bank of America, N.A., Trustee for their grant of $15,000 to support the Gender Wellness Initiative (GWI). GWI provides clinical mental health supports, resources and consultations,...

YOU, Inc. Receives $20k Grant from the Barr Foundation

Barr Foundation

YOU, Inc., an affiliate of Seven Hills Foundation, was the recent recipient of a $20,000 grant from the Barr Foundation, in support of our work within the Worcester Zero Fare Coalition. The Worcester Community Connections Coalition (WCCC) of YOU,...

Thank You, Rhode Island State Council on the Arts!

RISCA Integrated Performing Visual Arts Program

The Rhode Island State Council on the Arts has provided $5,000 in support to the Seven Hills Rhode Island Integrated Performing and Visual Arts Program (IPVAP). The IPVAP program teaches performing and visual arts programming with wonderfully...

Boston Foundation Equality Fund Supports Children's Friend

The Equality Fund at the Boston Foundation

Children’s Friend would like to thank the Boston Foundation Equality Fund for their $5,000 grant in support of the Gender Wellness Initiative. The Gender Wellness Initiative is our response to the inequitable treatment of youth who identify as...

Thank You, UMass Memorial and the United Way of Central MA!

Dynamy Youth Academy

YOU, Inc. is grateful for the support of UMass Memorial and the United Way of Central MA for a $5,000 grant via the Summer Strong program. This funding will assist our Dynamy Youth Academy college access program to provide College Startup Kits for...

Thank You, United Way of Central Massachusetts Women’s Initiative

United Way of Central Massachusetts Women's Initiative

The United Way of Central Massachusetts Women’s Initiative is igniting positive change for girls in central Massachusetts with a grant of $16,570 annually in FY23 and FY24 towards Seven Hills Family Services’ Just Us Girls program. The Just Us Girls...

Stetson School Receives $25k Grant from the Fletcher Foundation

The Fletcher Foundation

The Fletcher Foundation’s benevolent support of $25,000 will help to provide students at the Stetson School with a brand-new playground hosting Kompan Play Institute equipment specially designed to encourage social skills and a range of...

Children's Friend Awarded Grant from the United Way of Central MA

United Way of Central Massachusetts

Children’s Friend would like to thank the United Way of Central Massachusetts for their continued support, and recent grant of $20,000 for the Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) program. DBT views suicidal behavior as an individual’s attempt to...

Stetson School Receives $50k Grant from Stoddard Charitable Trust

Stetson School, an affiliate of Seven Hills Foundation, is thankful to have received a grant of $50,000 from The Stoddard Charitable Trust to support the purchase and installation of a therapeutic playground and fitness area for the younger youth we...

Seven Hills ASPiRE! Receives $10K Grant from TD Bank Charitable Foundation

Logo for TD Charitable Foundation inside a green rectangle.

Seven Hills ASPiRE!, an Affiliate of Seven Hills Foundation, has gratefully received a generous grant of $10,000 from the TD Charitable Foundation to support the Workforce Readiness and Employment program. The ASPiRE! Workforce Readiness &...

Dynamy Youth Academy Receives $10K Grant from Greater Worcester Community Foundation

YOU, Inc. is grateful for our enduring partnership with the Greater Worcester Community Foundation, which recently made a grant of $10,000 to support Dynamy Youth Academy. This intensive program ensures that promising but at-risk high Worcester...

Thank You National Grid Foundation

National Grid Foundation logo

National Grid Foundation has generously granted the Seven Hills ASPiRE! Workforce Readiness and Employment program with $25,000 in funding to provide individuals with disabilities paid-internship opportunities. The community-integrated internship...

Thank you Wyman-Gordan Foundation

Community Coalition

YOU, Inc., an affiliate of Seven Hills Foundation, would like to thank the Wyman-Gordon Foundation for their generous $5,000 grant towards facility upgrades at 20 Cedar Street, Worcester. Our location at 20 Cedar Street houses four vital programs...

Partnering to serve children of greater Worcester

Children's Friend

Children’s Friend, an affiliate of Seven Hills Foundation, would like to thank the David L. & Elizabeth O. Dean Fund of the Greater Worcester Community Foundation for the grant of $2,430. Since 1849 Children’s Friend has been fulfilling our mission...

Supporting seniors in our community

Home Care program

Family Services of Central Massachusetts would like to thank the David L. & Elizabeth O. Dean Fund of the Greater Worcester Community Foundation for the grant of $1,215.00 for our Home Care for Elders program. For over sixty years, our Home Care...

Kimberly Lane Godard Memorial Fund helps improve the lives of children

Adoption services program

Children’s Friend, an affiliate of Seven Hills Foundation, would like to thank the Kimberly Lane Godard Memorial Fund of the Greater Worcester Community Foundation for their recent grant of $2,170 for the Adoption Services program. Our Adoption...

Thank you Moran-Ventre Charitable Foundation

The Moran-Ventre Charitable Foundation recently granted $500.00 to the Seven Hills Rhode Island Adult Day Habilitation and Residential Programs. The Adult Day Habilitation and Residential Programs provide individualized and person-centered support...

Pediatric Center's Adaptive Technology Library

glcf logo

The Seven Hills Pediatric Center’s Switch Adaptive Technology Library at Seven Hills Academy is supported by a grant of $7,500 from the Greater Lowell Community Foundation. The Pediatric Center and the Academy serve students with medical fragility...

Proud to partner with The John E. Fogarty Foundation

Fogarty grant

Seven Hills Rhode Island is proud to partner with The John E. Fogarty Foundation to implement our proprietary and successful Integrated Performing and Visual Arts Program for children and adults with disabilities living in Rhode Island. The recent...

BayCoast Bank provides food pantry funding

BayCoast Bank logo

Seven Hills Behavioral Health’s (SHBH) Food Pantry in New Bedford, is the recipient of a generous donation of $1,000 from BayCoast Bank to provide non-perishable food items and ready-to-eat meals to low-income individuals, and those who utilize...

Summer Literacy Initiative Funding from United Way

Summer Literacy Initiative

Family Services of Central Massachusetts is the grateful recipient of a $35,000 grant from the United Way of Central (UWCM) to fund the Summer Literacy Initiative. At risk children have the greatest chance of lagging academically for significant...

DBT funding keeps vulnerable youth safe

DBT page

Children’s Friend would like to thank the Hoche-Scofield Foundation, Bank of America, N.A., Co-Trustee for the recent $5,000 grant for our Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) program. Our DBT program treats youth who are at risk of death from...

Funding for year-long programming at the Dynamy Youth Academy

Dynamy Youth Academy

A grant of $10,000 from the Stoddard Charitable Trust will fund year-long programming at the Dynamy Youth Academy. Youth Academy is a five year, after-school leadership and college access program for promising, first-generation high school students...

Dynamy Youth Academy Receives $10K from The Fletcher Foundation

For many years, the Fletcher Foundation has provided generous support to Dynamy Youth Academy. That vital partnership has continued in 2022 with a recent grant of $10,000 to fund year-long programming in this five year, after-school leadership and...

Dynamy Youth Academy College Access Program Receives $18K for After-School and Out-of-School Funding

YOU, Inc. is the grateful recipient of a grant of $18,000 from the United Way of Central MA for vital spring programming in our Dynamy Youth Academy College Access Program. This funding will support our Senior Seminar Workshops, which assist our...

Media Inquiries

Bill Stock

Vice President for Government and Community Relations81 Hope Ave, Worcester, MA 01603
Phone: 508.983.1305
Fax: 508.849.3888
Email: bstock@sevenhills.org

Kathleen A. Myshrall

Vice President of Advancement81 Hope Ave, Worcester, MA 01603
Phone: 508.983.1302
Fax: 508.849.3888
Email: kmyshrall@sevenhills.org

Jennifer Wentworth

Director of Communications81 Hope Ave, Worcester, MA 01603
Phone: 508.983.1304
Fax: 508.849.3888
Email: jwentworth@sevenhills.org