What's Happening - Seven Hills Foundation

Worcester Country Club Members are Catalysts for Care in Our Community

Written by Seven Hills Foundation | Aug 25, 2022 4:03:27 PM

At this year’s Annual Lori Lajoie Charity Golf Tournament, Worcester Country Club (WCC) Members and guests teed off as Catalysts for Care in Our Community, continuing the legacy that benefits people with significant life challenges supported by Seven Hills Foundation. The outpouring of generosity at the “Lori Lajoie,” on August 22, will directly impact and uplift our Greater Worcester community members that include people with disabilities, autism, and brain injury; vulnerable children and families; at-risk youth; people struggling with mental illness; and more. WCC answered the call to help us rebuild resilience through care in our communities. 47 years ago, you made a commitment. Every year, you make a difference.

Thank You to the WCC Members for Keeping Your Caring Tradition Going Strong!

See photos and video from this year's Tournament>