Children’s Friend, an affiliate of Seven Hills Foundation, would like to thank the Kimberly Lane Godard Memorial Fund of the Greater Worcester Community Foundation for their recent grant of $2,170 for the Adoption Services program.
At Seven Hills, our mission is to promote and encourage the empowerment of children and adults with significant challenges so that each may pursue their highest possible degree of personal well-being and independence. Our professional staff is passionate about our work that helps people SEE the possibilities, BELIEVE in themselves, and ACHIEVE their dreams.
Get Involved Now View Events CalendarChildren’s Friend, an affiliate of Seven Hills Foundation, would like to thank the Kimberly Lane Godard Memorial Fund of the Greater Worcester Community Foundation for their recent grant of $2,170 for the Adoption Services program.
The Moran-Ventre Charitable Foundation recently granted $500.00 to the Seven Hills Rhode Island Adult Day Habilitation and Residential Programs. The donation will be used to provide basic needs items for those in the Seven Hills Rhode Island programs.
I am so humbled to be recognized as a Seven Hills Champ in the month of June! I have no clue how this happened, but I do know that what I put forth is who I am, simply me! I love life—to laugh, have fun, and make the best of every situation. Over the past few years, my life has been extremely chaotic working full time, attending nursing school, and helping my family through major medical situations. All I can do is show up and give it my all! My job at the Seven Hills Pediatric Center (SHPC) at Groton has taught me so much....
"I see individual clients and coordinate assessment services at Seven Hills Behavioral Health in Worcester. My job is kind of a good mix seeing clients individually, supervising other clinicians, and doing psychological testing.”
"I started as an outpatient clinician with YOU, Inc. 6 years ago and now we are Seven Hills Behavioral Health—working with teens and adults, but primarily youth. I do a lot of work with youth who have faced trauma and are experiencing anxiety, and depression. They all tend to coincide with each other.”