For individuals and families, economic stability leads to better health outcomes and the best predictor of such stability is a college degree. YOU, Inc., an affiliate of Seven Hills Foundation, has a long history of providing successful college access and success programs for promising low-income, first-generation students with a desire to attend college. Over decades, graduates of our college success programs, including Dynamy John S. Laws Youth Academy, have earned a college degree at 80% combined – nearly four times the national average for the same demographic of students.
Dynamy John S. Laws Youth Academy program components include: Academic Advising and Mentoring services; Adventure Challenge; Leadership and Character Development; Internships and Career Exploration; Post-secondary Information/Aid/Admissions; Parental/Family/Caregiver Involvement; and College Visits.
YOU, Inc., is grateful for a generous grant of $15,000 from the Ruth H. and Warren A. Ellsworth Foundation for our Dynamy John S. Laws Youth Academy. Youth Academy provides essential services for promising, first-generation high school students in the city of Worcester. In the year ahead, these funds will provide academic supports, leadership development and community service opportunities, college tours and admission and financial aid education, and family engagement. Youth Academy ensures that these deserving students stay on track academically, thrive personally, and contribute meaningfully to their schools and communities.
Dynamy John S. Laws Youth Academy, is a privately funded college success and leadership program.