The boards of directors of Seven Hills Foundation and ARCHWAY, Inc. (ARCHway) announced an affiliation that will have ARCHway programs operate as part of Seven Hills Foundation effective April 1.
At Seven Hills, our mission is to promote and encourage the empowerment of children and adults with significant challenges so that each may pursue their highest possible degree of personal well-being and independence. Our professional staff is passionate about our work that helps people SEE the possibilities, BELIEVE in themselves, and ACHIEVE their dreams.
Get Involved Now View Events CalendarThe boards of directors of Seven Hills Foundation and ARCHWAY, Inc. (ARCHway) announced an affiliation that will have ARCHway programs operate as part of Seven Hills Foundation effective April 1.
We are sharing important news regarding MassHealth (Medicaid and CHIP) health coverage changes in renewal process. In the coming year, all current MassHealth members will need to renew their health coverage to ensure that they still qualify for their current benefit.
On February 1st, Seven Hills is fortunate to have Sophie Santaella, MBA, joining our Leadership Team as Executive Vice President/Chief of Operations. We are incredibly excited to have this experienced mission-driven leader join our work of bringing exceptional support and care to those we are privileged to serve.
The Wellington Management Foundation has kindheartedly granted $60,000 to support Seven Hills Foundation affiliate, Open Door Arts' COOL (Creative Outlook on Learning) Schools program. Wellington Management Foundation’s impactful support will allow Open Door Arts to provide students in nine Boston Public Schools
The Liberty Mutual Foundation has granted Open Door Arts (ODA), an affiliate of Seven Hills Foundation, an extraordinarily generous grant of $90,000 for their COOL Schools (Creative Outlook on Learning) program.