508.755.2340 TTY: 508.890.5584
Seven Hills Foundation

Media Center

At Seven Hills, our mission is to promote and encourage the empowerment of children and adults with significant challenges so that each may pursue their highest possible degree of personal well-being and independence. Our professional staff is passionate about our work that helps people SEE the possibilities, BELIEVE in themselves, and ACHIEVE their dreams.

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Community Foundation of North Central MA Supports Seven Hills ASPiRE!

Community Foundation of North Central MA Supports Seven Hills ASPiRE!

The collaboration between Growing Places and Seven Hills ASPiRE!, made possible in part by a grant from the Community Foundation of North Central Massachusetts, will provide a strengthened regional food supply system that distributes locally grown produce to those most in need in North Central Massachusetts.

Thank You, The Schwartz Charitable Foundation!

Thank You, The Schwartz Charitable Foundation!

You, Inc. would like to extend a most sincere thank you to The Schwartz Charitable Foundation for their recent grant of $1,500 in support of The Carriage House.

Rhode Island Foundation Funds Assistive Technology for SHRI

Rhode Island Foundation Funds Assistive Technology for SHRI

Seven Hills Rhode Island would like to thank the Rhode Island Foundation, the state’s community foundation, for their generous $32,000 grant from their Special Medical Fund.

Championing Individuals with Down Syndrome

Championing Individuals with Down Syndrome

Each year in October, Seven Hills Foundation celebrates Down Syndrome Awareness Month to raise public awareness and advocate for acceptance and inclusion of individuals with Down syndrome. Individuals with Down syndrome have shown time and again that their extra chromosome is just one part of who they are and doesn’t define them or limit their abilities.

October is Disability Employment Awareness Month!

October is Disability Employment Awareness Month!

Seven Hills celebrates National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM), observed annually in October. We celebrate and recognize the contributions of America’s workers with disabilities to our workplaces, economy, and Nation. During NDEAM and beyond, we remain committed to fight for equal employment opportunities, integrated workplaces, and equal pay for equal work.

Media Inquiries

Bill Stock
Vice President for Government and Community Relations 81 Hope Ave, Worcester, MA 01603
Phone: 508.983.1305
Fax: 508.849.3888
Email: bstock@sevenhills.org
Kathleen A. Myshrall
Vice President of Advancement 81 Hope Ave, Worcester, MA 01603
Phone: 508.983.1302
Fax: 508.849.3888
Email: kmyshrall@sevenhills.org
Jennifer Wentworth
Director of Communications 81 Hope Ave, Worcester, MA 01603
Phone: 508.983.1304
Fax: 508.849.3888
Email: jwentworth@sevenhills.org