Join us for a virtual chamber music performance presented by members of the Lexington High School ODA Club to celebrate spring and raise funds for Open Door Arts! The event will feature music from the classical repertoire and soundtracks of anime films (and a surprise dance performance!).
While tickets are free, we encourage those who can to make a donation to support Open Door Arts so they can provide quality arts learning opportunities to students with disabilities.
Spoken portions of the performance will be captioned. If you need or require additional access accommodations, please contact
After registration you will receive an email confirmation with a Zoom link for the live performance.
ABOUT ODA CLUB: The ODA Club is a remarkable group of Lexington High School musicians and leaders who are dedicated to ensuring all student have access to the same arts opportunities they have enjoyed. Each year, they partner with Open Door Arts to raise funds by performing to support their mission and the students they serve.
ABOUT OPEN DOOR ARTS: Open Door Arts has worked for forty years to strengthen our cultural community by increasing access, participation, and representation in the arts by people with disabilities. The arts give voice and visibility to the ideas, stories, and desires of people with disabilities and bring communities together to celebrate the common humanity that unites us all.
Each year, in collaboration with partners, funders, and supporters, Open Door Arts makes schools, galleries and theaters across Massachusetts more vibrant and inclusive through groundbreaking statewide programs that engage more than 3,000 members of our community - students with disabilities experience inclusive arts learning through our school programs, artists with disabilities showcase their work in our Open Door galleries, educators and cultural leaders learn inclusive practices through our training and professional development, and communities connect, collaborate and create through events and programs.
Learn more at: @OpenDoorArtsMA